Florian Mehnert, WaldprotokolleFlorian Mehnert 2013

The invisible threat Florian Mehnert bugs the nature, the forest, the last retreat, where man feels undisturbed and unheard.
There is no more unsurveilled place.
With his art project "Forestprotocols" Florian Mehnert points out the danger and absurdity of mass surveillance.
By publishing the records, he makes the invisible surveillance visible and calls for reflection on monitoring.
The FORESTPROTOCOLLS illustrate the hidden operating monitoring.
link to the website were the protocols were published in 2013

Reactions to the FORESTPROTOCOLS

Florian Mehnert, WaldprotokolleFlorian Mehnert, arte

The publication of the FOREST PROTOCOLLS followed by great media resonance. Florian Mehnert received a complaint according to § 201 of the German Public law (STGB) for violation of the confidentiality of the word. The public prosecutor's office investigated Florian Mehnert, but in the end let apply the freedom of art.

  • Süddeutsche Zeitung, 13. November 2013, Reaktion auf NSA-Skandal, Künstler verwanzt Wald
  • DIE WELT, "Auch im Wald da sind die Wanzen, 15. November 2013"
  • Süddeutsche Zeitung, Wald verwanzt, 6. Dezember 2013, Wald verwanzt, Anzeige gegen NSA-Protest-Künstler
  • Badische Zeitung, Künstler verwanzt den Schwarzwald und wird angezeigt 20. Dezember 2013
  • ...more press/ reviews

    Installation of the FORESTPROTOCOLS, 2015

    Dimension variable, min. 20 qm
    22 hanging headphones, each with one of the 22 forest protocols as loop. The installation is accessible.

    Florian Mehnert, WaldprotokolleC/O Berlin Florian Mehnert, WaldprotokolleC/O Berlin Florian Mehnert, WaldprotokolleKunstverein, Wolfsburg Florian Mehnert, WaldprotokolleFORESTPROTOCOLS Installation